Beneath the Waves - Ariel - Invitation

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Beneath the Waves - Ariel - Invitation
Item Number KEN15142
When you share Ariel's love for the sea, this is the perfect wedding invitation to announce your big day. The white shimmer invitation card has an embossed aqua filigree and shell design next to your wording. A navy blue pocket holds the invitation and your enclosure cards.

Note: This product is intended solely for non-commercial consumer use. No License has been granted to use this product for any business or organizational purpose. Any such use is unauthorized and is specifically prohibited. This product cannot be personalized with any wording that refers to alcohol, firearms, profanity or any other wording that is not consistent with the Disney family-oriented philosophy and image. Orders will not be printed if they include unacceptable wording. Shipping Restrictions: Available only in Canada and the United States Territories and its possessions, including Puerto Rico.

Product Details
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 1/4" Folded
  • Type of Printing: Thermography
  • Price Includes: Blank pocket, printed invitation, 6 glue dots, tissues and blank ooh la color® envelope (aqua lined white)
  • Production Time: 2 Working days
  • Extra postage required
  • Customer assembly required
  • Currently found in Themes & Dreams™
  • Midnight Raised Ink
  • Lettering: HLO
  • Accent Lettering: BYM
  • Verse: W48
  • Paper: White Shimmer 105 lb.
  • Pocket: Navy Smooth 80 lb.